He knew that, while he had been lucky that Bron's stomach didn't digest meat, due to him being a herbivore, he wasn't that fortunate this time inside the stomach of Red Claw. He knew he wouldn't be able to get into Red Claw's small intestine until the stomach drained. Luckily for him, he saw bones, ingested by Red Claw, who didn't mind eating them with his meals, as he would just excrete them later, lying on the stomach floor. Perhaps he could stack these atop each other and make a big enough pile to avoid being digested when the acid began to pour in.
Fievel began to stack the bones atop each other. Hopefully they would hold stable when the stomach was filled with acid. He had good pile built, several hours later, when Red Claw ate again. The incoming food knocked over some of the pile, though it also added more bones for him to use. Red Claw burped after eating his meal, but, thankfully for Fievel, drank some water, sending in some needed air, as well as needed coolness after hours of being in the humid stomach.
Two hours later, acid began to enter the stomach. However, by this point, Fievel was prepared. He had climbed up to the top of his bone pile. After several hours, however, he was beginning to tire.
While it had been hot spending many hours in Bron's stomach, because he had to shift around, hanging onto the bones, Fievel was so hot that he, as he would when alone in his room at night when hot, absentmindedly cast off his shirt, coat, and pants, and realized what he had done too late as they fell into the acid below. He knew that they wouldn't be digested, but now he would have to wait till he exited the dinosaur's cloaca before he could find them again.
Several hours later, he was squeezed into the small intestine. He spent 12 hours in here. He also spent 14 hours in colon. He was nearly fully encased in feces in the large intestine. Finally, he reached the rectum. He spent 50 hours in here waiting as more poop piled in.
Finally, he could hear farting sounds coming from below him. Soon, he was pushed out the anus and out the cloaca. Urine and feces hit him as Red Claw emptied out his waste. After Red Claw was done relieving himself, his two minions Screech and Thud relieved themselves on the same spot. The three carnivores then left.
Fievel rolled down the mountain of poop and landed in a large puddle of dinosaur urine, which came up to his neck. This he waded across. Despite being pooped out in the morning, it took Fievel till later in the afternoon to dig through all the dinosaur poop and recover his pants and shirt and to wash them and his body off.
He was so tired that he collapsed with exhaustion in a berry bush and fell asleep. His sleeping spot would prove to be a bad one.
To Be Continued
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