Being the first year I attended anthro con, I wanted to do a little something special, and in that vein I had a pair of colored and inked drawings printed up as Tshirts, and gave em out to folks, made it a bit of a game to get em all delivered properly, didn't expect it would take me the whole con, but anyhow, for those who were interested.
This happens to be the first of two designs I made on Tshirts for this years anthro con, I Gave em out to a small selection of friends who I knew would be there long in advance(and could get there proper shirt sizes and so on), there were also a couple that I had made for myself that eventually got passed off to friends, afterall, giving is part of the fun even if the shirts themselves might be silly, the ones to get the “Extras” were given to those who A were my size, and B proved to make my trip nicer in one way or another. Those who got em know who they are, won't risk embarrassing folks to much here.(More than I might have already).
The design itself is simple, effective, and obvious, there were 5 made
This is the second Design I did for Anthrocon, far more specialized, and yet it came out rather nicely, A classic joke about why many folks just might not be needing those return reservation, Of this design only three were made..
(Thus explains my 8 for 8 comment on my con report)
Will I do these again next year,? I don't know, its far to early, but those who got free shirts this time aren't likely to get em next time.. maybe i'll end up selling a few instead, have had a few bites on that front, If I make em again might do the smallest of edits(Switching the ac 2012 to 2013), and will likely publicly post a few more possible designs for folks to vote on.. one or two of these have already graced my page. I DO plan on doing something next year, got a whole load of ideas to jot down...
Was a blast meeting the folks to actually remember all the faces—characters—names.... i'm going to have a lot of trouble..
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