We talk to my Mom all the time that she should make no decisions without talking to one of her kids. She called me and while crying told me the story. Michael and I immediately went over to her house (she lives very close to me). I calmed her down by calling my nephew and letting her hear his voice. I said Mama that was a scam to get money out of you.
So Michael called the number, and this fool commence to tell Michael the same stupid story, Michael let him go on and on and then finally Michael said “I’ve been recording this call and I will be turning it in to the police along with your phone number” well of course the man hung up. Michael called and reported this to the police.
We have to be so careful and educate not just our seniors but everyone about these possible scams.
Message Thread I’m so tired…for real. Be careful people - Jerlilia Ryan May 18, 2023, 3:11 pm
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