You Know I had to get off facebook for a hot minute and every now and then I get these post through my instagram feed. While working I hear this poetry/truth be told piece by this group and be like, wait, hold up, wait a minute…that sounds like Compton, a whole lot. Then I’m like that’s……. DOPE!!! Truly a hard test. Just saying. I don’t listen to music much, but some music be catching my ear, then I be like I’m feeling that.
Lastly, I will say that being on the other social media platform, I started cooking again. All kinda stuff. And I use to hate cooking, No joke. I see these young black brothers and sisters hooking up some good food and be feeling really joyous because they are doing something positive. Look ya’ll, had me running down to CostCo buying air fryers, Turkey fryers, slow cookers, George Foreman grills and believe you me, using every single one of those bad boys. Lol. Got me buying E-Bikes, looking to enroll in a local bike club. Enrolled myself in a community college up the street, learning how to play the Bass guitar. Can you believe that? I be practicing on my bass and be saying to myself If I had to do my life all over again, I would forget about Law and become the Baddest Bass player the likes no one has ever scene. Wishful thinking I know! HaHaHa. I see my college friend Nathan East at Jazz Festival thumbing on his Yamaha Bass, and be mesmerized. I would ask him how do you do that!!!! Man If I had got the memo then, I would had switch my major a long time ago to Bass Player!!! Just thinking out loud. Lol. Anyway.
Love you two. Be safe and well!
Message Thread Black Folk…..This is Dope!!! - Jerlilia Ryan February 7, 2023, 8:33 pm
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