I took a snap shot of this Facebook page but for some reason I can't copy and past it on Big 10. But what I will do is message it to you. man it was weird. I'm saying To myself, do he not know we from the hood. Dude had turbin on, Arabic writing but nothing on his Facebook page. You know I had to investigate. And you know I have to be cautious which is why I'm careful and have to pay close attention. I hope I'm not the only one who got that Facebook post becuz if so then that would be problematic. I use to get ish from overseas all of the time on my other FB accounts. and another thing if it's her son, why she dosen't post it herself. Ok I'll quit, that's the lawyer in me. Check your messenger in a minute. K
Be well my dear friend.
Ps. Excuse the misspelling. On a zoom call looking crazy! 😊
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