Hey Airebell, Thanks for the update & CONGRATULATIONS to you & Michael on your 42nd Wedding Anniversary. Also CONGRATS to all of uour children (Brandi, Krystle & Michael II) for their many accomplishments. It's always great to see young people and young adults doing well. You and Michael have set a great example for them. Keep up the great work with your children, grandchildren/grandbaby on the way; and above all keep enjoying your well deserved Retirement (because it is the best)!! Glad to hear that your Mom is doing well. My Mom is also well. I visited her recently. Each time I see her I bring her gifts (she's running out of room for them) at the Senior Hospital!! I remember Annie Lundy she was always a sweet person, please say hello to her for me. At the end of October I had to go to the ER. I was in so.... much pain. I had a really bad headache (much worst than a migraine). I felt like someone was squeezing on one side of my brain. I prayed before I left home and had made my peace with God that if that was my last day on earth that I was so grateful for the life up to that day that He had given me. When I got to the hospital they put me inside the tube and gave me two brain CT's (Cat ScansI) and found out that I was deficient in magnesium. I was in the ER most of the day getting several magnesium IV drips along with several other IV drips. I was truly grateful that they found out what was wrong with me but I was also annoyed that even with my jacket on I was freezing in the hospital. They brought me a blanket but I was still cold. When I left home to go to the ER it was morning but when I was finally finished and left to go home it was in the evening (I was pretty much there all day long). But thank God that when I left the hospital I had no pain at all (I was pain free).. I now have to take a different multivitamin and a couple of other meds (only if I have head pain again). I thank God that I was being unknowingly prayed for. Somebody had to be saying a prayer for me. So thank you to those that keep me in your prayers as I always do for all of you. I can't say it enough that God is soo... good all the time. Other than that; I'm pretty much busy as ever with my grandkids (so same o', same o').. The holidays were wonderful until the weather changed and it became super cold. Glad that the weather is starting to warm up a little bit. Sorry that I am late responding to your post Airebell but the days fly by so fast and by the time that I think about getting online (I'm tired and exhausted). Take good care Airebell & Classmates & God bless you!!. Love and Blessings, Your Classmate 4 Life Phoebe
Message Thread Classmates Updates - Airebell Washington Odom December 27, 2021, 11:21 am
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