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: --Previous Message--
: Yes, but a faction that is de facto
: controlling the capitol!
: Restoration of the monarchy does not seem to
: be a high priority for them at the moment.
: Maybe to give them some legitimacy if they
: solidify their control.
: Mayby Yemen once again will be devided, as
: it was before 1990.
: I don't know much about the country, so I
: don't know whether that would be a positive
: or negative development. Unification
: certainly does not seem to have worked out,
: I'm afraid. (See also Iraq and Libya - In
: those cases, Arab states created by the
: Western Powers as monarchies with dynasties
: which were totally foreign in the case of
: the former and represented only one of three
: regions in the case of the latter.)
I think that in Northern Yemen, people are mostly Shia, and in Southern Yemen mostly Sunni, which of course is always a complication.
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