Hi, was wondering if anybody knows if some programs won't accept a pre-req taken at a community college?
I was just warned by an admissions counselor at NSU that they won't take physics II from me if I take it at a local accredited community college like I plan too. It would be the only pre-req I am have that will be from a community college, its just the closest program that works for my work schedule.
So basically, does anybody know if the other AA programs also have a similar policy? or if you have gotten in with any pre-reqs from a CC? I have tried to do some research but its hard to find out for certain programs.
Call all the programs and ask over the phone. I did my pre-reqs at CC and I did not have any issues. Maybe NSU changed their policy. Seems odd to take everything but physics 2, but its their program. If this is the only CC course you plan to take but really want to live in Florida then I would pay for a 4 year school phy 2 course. This all depends on where you want to live and how badly you want to maximize your odds of getting in somewhere.
Were you planning to take a physics for science majors or some introductory/non science physics? Nova says nothing on their website about requiring pre-reqs from a 4 year school.