First time applicant, applying broadly and submitted CASAA as of August 1. As for stats:
2.9 cGPA undergrad, multiple C's in intro science courses 3.4 cGPA SMP 515 MCAT. 1800 hours scribing in ED 1600 hours performing clinical research in ED 60 hours shadowing anesthesiologist 3 (I think) solid recommendations 500+ volunteering, 200 of which are in a healthcare setting
What say you? Probability of success? What are weakpoints (aside from GPA)? Thanks to all who reply.
Re: Chances
Posted by twolf13 on September 19, 2019, 2:07 pm, in reply to "Chances"
Bumping for visibility, submitted additional app to MCW.
Re: Chances
Posted by kbutts3 on August 16, 2019, 1:14 pm, in reply to "Chances"
What school did you apply to
Re: Chances
Posted by twolf13 on August 20, 2019, 8:22 pm, in reply to "Re: Chances"
Emory, IU, CWRU, South, CU, and Nova Tampa Bay. Pretty broadly.