November 22, 1963. How about some memories of 61 years ago today when President John F. Kennedy was shot and died???
I remember walking back into my fourth grade class, Room 109, Miss Mary Ann Corbett Ashlaw’s classroom. The radio was on the intercom as we got to our desks! And a couple minutes after, we all heard Walter Cronkite announce that President Kennedy had died at 1pm! We were all very quiet, as different teachers and nuns, including Sr. Angelona kept walking in and out of the classroom. I was wondering what art project we would be doing, cuz we always had “Art” on Friday afternoon! But Miss Corbett said that we were all going back to Cottage, and would have no “Art” that day!!! I was very disappointed!!! No “Art” that we had looked forward to all week!!!
We all went “the inside way”, back to Cottage 43, and Sr. Gregory was sitting in front of the black and white TV, crying, as we all sat down in front of the TV!!! I don’t remember much over the next few days except that we kept feeling sad as we watched the TV, over the next few days! It was sooo hot from being on!!!! We seemed to watch 24/7 everything you could ever watch, all about John F. Kennedy!!! I definitely remember the Kennedy family going to pass by the casket and little JohnJohn saluting his father!!! Such a sad weekend and days after!!!
Anybody else with some other memories??? Inquiring minds want to hear!!!