I have used bristles from cheap nylon paint brushes for many years. The bristles tend to have split ends, which allows you to separate them and make strands as thin or thick as you like. The benefit of these bristles is that they tend to be rigid which allows you to cut them to the desired lengths and simply glue them on at each end. There is no need to stretch thread from one place to another, which can cause tension that may bend masts or spars. The bristles do not become limp over time, but stay rigid. They can be easily painted.
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I'm restoring a Stauffenberg model with very delicate / dried-out rigging. Was wondering what materials might be comparable. I acquired some .02 fishing lure wire but have imagined that large paint brush bristles might do the trick. If you have a product name in mind that would be appreciated. Regards, BruceBohl