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    yeah, am I really losing it for not "getting it"?* Archived Message

    Posted by Mismysteri on March 9, 2017, 8:09:50, in reply to "how is this liberal guilt?*"

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    I would go full Ed Rooney on her. Roll her old bones down here and I'll cut you a check.

    The best part is that of course it's Trump's fault

    Hey LA peeps, I just wanted to make sure all of you heard about this immigration related phone scam that is going on. I know about it because it happened to me today and it was terrifying. Mid afternoon I got a call from an unknown number. I answered since one of #### numbers often comes up as unknown. Instead of ####, I heard a very frightened, distraught woman say she needed my help and she was sorry but she could not come over today, that she was being held in a van. The connection was not good, she was terrified, and it was hard to say if it was someone I knew. Then a man took the phone and inferred that he had my housekeeper, who was indeed supposed to come over today, and that he had gotten my number from her because she said I would help. He said if I did not offer him and his boss substantial money they were going to kill her. I kept asking to talk to her and he refused and used a lot of really terrifying language to try to scare me into giving them money. I was honestly not sure what to do and was so freaked out I just kept asking to talk to her. He said he would send me a finger to verify her identity. I was so freaked out I kept asking questions and stalling trying to think of what to do, and then he said something that didn't make sense. He yelled at me "is this your mother or not?" which of course is impossible. Then he got frustrated with me and hung up, saying it was my fault he was going to kill her. I called the police and then I called my housekeeper, who was thankfully perfectly fine and actually at me house. I told her what happened and talked to the police when they arrived. They said it is a new scam that is happening and the perpetrators are preying on people's fear in the wake of the Trump immigration/travel bans. I hope this is helpful getting the word out so if any of you get a call you will know what is really going on. It was terrifying.

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