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    Record breakers

    Posted by Sandgrounder on 11/5/2024, 23:12:54

    Pretty sure we have today broken the record for the number of games in which a side has both scored and conceded in a premier league season. 30 games for us. We previously jointly held the record with Southampton and Swindon. Shows quite clearly where the problems have been!

      Re: Record breakers

      Posted by HH on 12/5/2024, 7:32:09, in reply to "Record breakers"

      At times I've been surprised how bad we've been at defending considering how organised we were last season. And as others have said, a lot of the goals we've conceded appear to have been because of us rather than the other team's quality.

      We just never looked likely to dig deep, defend with our lives and protect a lead.

        Re: Record breakers

        Posted by Herve Baquet on 12/5/2024, 10:06:37, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

        Was speaking to a mate yesterday about this.

        Makes going down in this manner pretty frustrating.

        So many avoidable goals, all conceded in a way that we just didn't last season. Obviously there is the huge gulf in quality, and I would imagine fatigue in having to compete really affects decision making at this level, but we shot outselves in the feet so many times. Haven't watched them back, but it felt like all the goals we conceded were essentially due to ball watching and not picking up runners.

        Next season is going to be really interesting. No idea how to call it, but am looking forward already.

          Re: Record breakers

          Posted by MG on 12/5/2024, 10:17:12, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

          I'm not so sure, our goal yesterday was down to just that. Against a decent Premier League defence.

          Theirs took more quality and were achieved under more pressure, apart from maybe the first. Although Doughty's cross was excellent.

          I think we are being a little hard on our defence, not to say we didn't concede some soft ones because we did. However, that defence suffered so much disruption it would have been a miracle had we showed greater organisation than we did.

          And a big part of the reason we conceded more this season is the quality of the attackers, Haaland doesn't tend to miss very many for example.

            Re: Record breakers

            Posted by Doctor Ince on 12/5/2024, 10:59:58, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

            I've been saying what Herve says above for a while. We've been our own worst enemy at times and we don't have the ability to really dig in and defend.

            We needed an element of Burnley under Dyche about us

              Re: Record breakers

              Posted by MG on 12/5/2024, 11:30:42, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

              Burnley under Dyche spent many times more than we did. And I don't remember them suffering anything like the injury disruption that we did.

        Re: Record breakers

        Posted by m on 11/5/2024, 23:50:21, in reply to "Record breakers"

        and. To make it worse. how many really good goals have we conceded where you hold your hands up and say well couldn't stop that ? not many I reckon. And that's the disappointing thing really

          Re: Record breakers

          Posted by The Outsider on 11/5/2024, 23:47:21, in reply to "Record breakers"

          From BBC.

          Sadly for the Hatters, another key statistic ahead of the game was that they had both scored and conceded in 29 of their previous 36 league matches this season - a joint competition record. They are now out on their own in that metric.

            Re: Record breakers

            Posted by Realistic on 12/5/2024, 0:04:39, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

            If we score against Fulham next week, it will mean we have scored against every other team this season. Any idea when we did that last?

              Re: Record breakers

              Posted by The Outsider on 12/5/2024, 0:44:22, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

              Last season?

            Re: Record breakers

            Posted by clarky on 11/5/2024, 23:18:49, in reply to "Record breakers"

            John Motson would'nt of trotted that one out

              Re: Record breakers

              Posted by Observer on 12/5/2024, 8:47:55, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

              On the contrary.

              It’s exactly the sort of meaningless guff the daft old twat used to roll out.

                Re: Record breakers

                Posted by Alien Nate on 11/5/2024, 23:31:09, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

                Didn't he wear a fifth and fifth and fifth and fifth and fifth scarf?

                  Re: Record breakers

                  Posted by Macca on 12/5/2024, 1:24:04, in reply to "Re: Record breakers"

                  Luton boy was Motson! Used to drink in Hemel pubs.

            [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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