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    Olympic Staduim

    Posted by Umbro on 11/5/2024, 22:50:59

    What a shit shower trying to get in! Nothing like it at any other ground this year. Must have showed my ticket to about 5 different entry points , queued for ages .

      Re: Olympic Staduim

      Posted by W12 Hatter on 11/5/2024, 22:55:44, in reply to "Olympic Staduim"

      Maybe ok for the egg-and-spoon race, the three-legged race, the sack race or the wheelbarrow race, or maybe even a music concert, but for football? Never, ever again. or

        Re: Olympic Staduim

        Posted by Mathew on 11/5/2024, 22:58:07, in reply to "Re: Olympic Staduim"

        Bournemouth is a runner up in pointless checks.

          Re: Olympic Staduim

          Posted by WHU chap on 11/5/2024, 23:54:17, in reply to "Re: Olympic Staduim"

          I went to the toilet bowl for the first game back in 2016 ...I haven't been back since.
          A large number of old school WHU are the same.
          It's sad really.
          But it's called 'progress' apparently..hope you enjoyed the gobshites and wannabes...charming aren't they?

            Re: Olympic Staduim

            Posted by Grumpy on 12/5/2024, 10:23:29, in reply to "Re: Olympic Staduim"

            Especially enjoyed the large number of plastic Danny Dyer’s living off a reputation in the 80’s.
            The walk through Hackney Wick was enlightening too - rarely seen so many attention seeking weirdos in one place albeit nothing to do with WHU.
            Stadium wise the noise just disappears upwards - shame as Boleyn Ground was one of the best.

              Re: Olympic Staduim

              Posted by bbb on 12/5/2024, 20:48:31, in reply to "Re: Olympic Staduim"

              No-one and I mean no-one called it the "Boleyn Ground" you utter melt.

              Re: Olympic Staduim

              Posted by Blimey on 12/5/2024, 10:09:13, in reply to "Re: Olympic Staduim"

              Dog shit stadium.
              Awful atmosphere.
              Away end in two sections .
              They sold their soul, for that shit hole 😁😁.
              They’re not West Ham anymore.

              Westfield Wanderers.

                Re: Olympic Staduim

                Posted by homer on 12/5/2024, 12:00:11, in reply to "Re: Olympic Staduim"

                I didnt,catch the chant about the stadium. I cannot remember it. CIA

      [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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