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    Posted by Buzzard on 24/1/2024, 16:24:01

      Re: Agreed

      Posted by AI Bot on 24/1/2024, 22:45:29, in reply to "Agreed"

      Saw a video on YouTube with a reformed violent criminal saying the same thing based on the fact that when they did the same for possession of a gun it massively reduced criminals carrying guns. And that's from someone who clearly knew what they were talking about.

      But in addition to that they need to reform the whole prison system so that petty criminals aren't coming out at end of their sentence with a load of new contacts and tips from the more hardened criminals. Plenty of people saying prison was basically like going to college to learn how to become an even worse criminal when they got out.

      Plus as mentioned the prisons are at capacity. So not an easy fix by any means.

        Re: Agreed

        Posted by Hoof It on 25/1/2024, 23:21:42, in reply to "Re: Agreed"

        There are far too many people in prison who shouldn't be there, criminals who are a danger to society should be an alternative to soft crime needs to be found as long as it isn't committed by a banker or politician.

        Re: Agreed

        Posted by Xyz on 24/1/2024, 16:49:46, in reply to "Agreed"

        They'd have to build some more hotels first ( sorry prisons. )
        Obviously mates and chums can't see the profit in new prisons.....

          Re: Agreed

          Posted by Nearly a Genius on 24/1/2024, 20:06:52, in reply to "Re: Agreed"

          + 1

            Re: Agreed

            Posted by Fife Hatter on 24/1/2024, 18:38:13, in reply to "Re: Agreed"

            Worked in a jail for 26 years....they aren't hotels although, human rights etc, false claims of violence from staff towards cons, everything is weighted in favour of prisoners.....ever rising population might be a reason they aren't sent to jail also.

            Re: Agreed

            Posted by m on 24/1/2024, 16:39:42, in reply to "Agreed"

            Yep. 5 years min
            And this tosser should just be buried alive for starters.

              Re: Agreed

              Posted by Godders on 24/1/2024, 17:37:38, in reply to "Re: Agreed"

              Trouble is deterrents don't really work very well for the following reasons;
              1/. the perpetrators don't think they'll get caught
              2/. the perpetrators do t often think about the consequences
              3/. sometimes mental health issues can get in the way
              4/. sometimes heinous crimes are committed in the spur of heat of the moment in kind of like a fit of rage.

                Re: Agreed

                Posted by jimmyp on 24/1/2024, 20:05:11, in reply to "Re: Agreed"

                On top of the fact that for it to be a deterrent, there has to be a presumption that they're likely to be caught and prosecuted. Just seems like that isn't really the case.

                Cheers, Jim

          [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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