The L.C. Smith Collectors Association
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    Re: Any decision - re: guns for sale??? Archived Message

    Posted by Tom Archer on July 18, 2016, 1:41 pm, in reply to "Any decision - re: guns for sale???"

    As a Board member I can report that there have been no BOD meetings since 4/22, and can also report that no decision has yet been made on any decision to allow gun sales on this forum. There are concerns that include how to modify the web site, and over potential liability; and for those critical of our progress to date, let me remind each of you that your BOD members can/would be held personally liable for regrettable problems that could arise from a decision to move forward, therefore it is imperative that we have all the facts prior to any decision. If you believe we're taking too much time, then you need to get involved directly. For whatever its worth, all 7 BOD members are volunteers, we have other demands on our time; and therefore cannot allocate work exclusively to LCSCA matters, even though we might prefer to do so.
    Now, let me also take this opportunity to remind all those who are complaining that you will be electing three BOD members in about two months; and if you are unhappy with current leadership, then use this annual opportunity to make changes. And in that regard let me express a few frustrations. Every member receives a ballot each fall with a request to either affirm the slate of people selected (which are usually the only folks who will volunteer), and/or write in the names of those individuals you would prefer to see serve. In the past two BOB elections, I've had less that 10 ballots returned! The truth is that when members are not willing to devote any of their time serving the organization; then what other conclusion can be drawn except that our members don't really care? Look at your current BOD, and when you do; be sure to consider how many of those guys are now in their late 60's and mid-70's. With no one stepping up the plate, what do you think will take place with the LCSCA when these guys either can't serve, or refuse to serve any longer? If members want the LCSCA to continue long term, then it's high time that our life members who have a sincere desire to help the organization prosper step up the plate. Just my thoughts

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