The L.C. Smith Collectors Association
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    July 4 Archived Message

    Posted by Bob on July 4, 2008, 7:59 am

    I hope to be speaking for many while reviewing my thoughts this morning. We are so blessed with a nation as ours. Yes, with some faults (isn't it great to be allowed to be human?)but with an abundance of greatness. The realization of God's gift for the right to be free, an appropriate forum for dialogue and disagreement, the more than significant rights penned by our Constitutional forefathers, the occasional responsibility to stand and do battle to protect those rights, the hopes and prayers offered for our children and grandchildren, etc. The list goes on. Hopefully take several moments today to offer a personal giving of thanks for our nation and it's people, and the responsibilities of citizenship. Best to all, Bob

    Message Thread:

    • July 4 - Bob July 4, 2008, 7:59 am