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    What wonderful memories Margie - I enjoyed reading about your conventions Archived Message

    Posted by Chataine/Val on 5/24/2017, 3:50 pm, in reply to "My convention tales. LONG."

    --Previous Message--
    : As I've mentioned, I have rheumatoid arthritis
    : and use a motorized scooter anywhere that
    : involves a lot of walking. It's also
    : painful for me to drive more than a few
    : hours so when my mom and I have gone, we've
    : always gone with friends and they've done
    : the driving.
    : First convention was Philadelphia in 1996.
    : Seven of us rode together in a rented van.
    : The two most memorable things about the
    : drive were the number of dead deer on the
    : road (SO sad!) and the sign reading
    : "Live nudes, free pizza." This
    : was back in the day when there was a waiting
    : list for convention and the sales room so
    : there was a rival doll show down the block.
    : I wasn't online so the only people I knew
    : were some dealers I'd met at the McMasters
    : auctions. It was all about room shopping.
    : I met Carol Spencer and got my picture taken
    : with her, never thinking that someday I'd be
    : the recipient of her Barbie's Best Friend
    : Award.
    : Second was Dearborn in 2001 where the
    : highlight was meeting the infamous John
    : after chatting with him online. He was
    : working EVERYWHERE. It also turned out that
    : our tables were next to each other. My mom
    : and I went with four friends. They parked
    : me in the lobby with the luggage while one
    : unloaded and his wife, my mom, and the other
    : two friends went to pick up our
    : registrations. My mom insists that when she
    : told John that she was Margie Schultz (we
    : have the same name) his look said "I
    : thought you were much younger." LOL
    : The hotel carpet was not scooter friendly
    : and it kept draining the battery so I did no
    : room shopping. I went with a want list and
    : the joke is I ended up buying an outfit from
    : two members of my doll club as they were the
    : only ones who had it complete. I said I
    : could have stayed home and shopped. LOL I
    : met tons of online friends. We'd just
    : completed an online Li'l Survivor on one of
    : the Kelly groups and the winner and I had
    : most of the doll players with us. We spent
    : the dance taking photos of them. My friend
    : Toni had her table gifts in unused KFC boxes
    : (she's from KY). We must have had 40
    : people, including serving staff come to our
    : table to ask if there was chicken in them.
    : I also won a ribbon in competition for my
    : Ken pillow.
    : Our last convention was Studio City in 2006.
    : We had never flown, but loved the theme and
    : wanted to see my aging aunt so...We went
    : with two friends and the only thing that
    : kept the trip from being perfect was the
    : VERY long wait for the shuttle from the
    : airport. Turns out two of the three
    : handicapped shuttles were out of commission,
    : but no one told us until we actually were on
    : the way to the hotel. It was iffy that we'd
    : get to go until the last minute as my mom
    : broke her hip and didn't get out of rehab
    : until a week before we left. Convention was
    : great. Saw my aunt for the last time. Met
    : my book editor. Got Pip's photo with
    : everyone who was anyone in the Barbie world.
    : Found some fabulous Barbie items. Drooled
    : over the Mattel exhibit.
    : My mom's health is such that we won't be
    : attending any more, but we have great
    : memories of our convention experiences.

    Message Thread:


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