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    Re: The media Archived Message

    Posted by La-Coakstra-Nostra on November 14, 2023, 12:56 pm, in reply to "The media "

    A few thoughts....

    I believe there is a conspiracy against working people. I'm a socialist and i've always believed this.

    That being said (and I know this has been controversial when ive said it on here in the past) I believe there are certain traps that 'they' (the elites, the 'man' whatever you want to call them) set for us....that we just seem to enjoy....no....LOVE falling for.

    One is, consuming media that hates you.

    As with most things in life, if you starve it of oxygen it dies. Therefore it's important, vitally I reckon, for working people to ignore media.

    Better still, economically cripple them.

    The BBC should be defunded for a start. It is the state broadcaster. Note: it's never been called the people's broadcaster. It is a state apparatous designed to "educate" you in how to think.

    Get rid!


    We have this rose tinted view of working class people that the worker is left leaning, and culturally and ideologically "woke" to prejudices. Fair minded. Open.

    ....but I recall every working mans club, every working mans cafe, the pubs, the snooker halls; they all carried The Sun up until 1989. I remember this clear as day from being a kid.

    I recall the mid to late 80's as a kid it all being an incredibly macho, misogynistic, vile society. I recall working people moaning about people coming over and taking jobs. My dad was a seaforth docker and I recall them all being quite closed minded and some of them borderline racist.

    I remember The Sun, NOTW and Mirror being the rotation in most people's houses/cafes. Wasn't the circulation of The Sun around 3 million in the mid 80's when economically we were fucked and divided!?

    Why did people let a paper that hated them into their homes!?

    It's what people did. And sadly still do.

    ....and the devastatingly sad thing is all this could be killed off virtually overnight if everyone stopped buying the TV licence and if everyone stopped buying right wing media in general (Sky, ruight wing newspapers, the Daily Mail ONline every frigging day, etc)

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