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    Re: The Whistleblower Archived Message

    Posted by Open Minded on November 6, 2019, 7:12 pm, in reply to "The Whistleblower"

    Try to think logically for a change. The whistleblower made a credible complaint through the proper channels and didn't try to hide the fact that he/she was not on the call. He/she followed the procedure outlined in the law notifying the Inspector General for the Director of National Intelligence (Atkinson), who, in turn, sent a letter to Congress that the matter involved "an urgent concern". The issue was deemed a "national security issue".

    Urgent concern is defined as "a serious or flagrant problem, abuse, violation of the law," but "does not include differences of opinions concerning public policy matters."

    The above is the whole reason the investigation was started. At this point, the whistleblower is pretty much irrelevant. Those called to testify have validated the concerns and they include folks who were on the call. The public hearings will tell us much more.

    All your Dem bashing and conspiracy theories are not going to prevent the truth from coming out.

    I know a couple of you have no respect for or interest in what the truth is.

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