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    Re: Bernie and Pocohontas Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on September 14, 2019, 12:32 pm, in reply to "Re: Bernie and Pocohontas"

    You have to pardon my ageism a little bit, based on a real time concern.

    However, I do believe that Bernie and Biden are out of touch....and Trump really is driving the bus like a legally blind man without his glasses and an open bottle of whiskey.

    The real time experience is comical. So luckily it's not the people I work for or the people who work for me that are in my way.

    However, a colleague of mine, my age, hired an assistant in his upper 20's to do some marketing and PR.

    The Boomers he works for, informed him that his young assistant must have every posting on social media approved by them before the youngin' can actually make a post.

    These people at the top don't know a damn thing about social media or what it takes to connect with young people. They pay lip service to being interested in connecting with them, but they don't know how to let go of control. That leaves my colleague at my age refereeing this situation and generally frustrated.

    See, the tide pod crack...while funny takes one thing out of context.... well actually two...

    ... While I will agree with you that there are some lazy d-bag millennials out there. I have a few of those in my life and they are pathetic! However, there are some that are quite driven and smarter than we'll ever be and will accomplish more than we will ever dream of.

    But the other thing you leave out is that one place called GENERATION X. Boomers and Millennials like to banter back and forth.

    It's generation X that makes a living babysitting the lesser useful millennials while not being able to empower the amazing ones -- because of the people at the top that don't know how to let go. There are gen Xers in their 50's who can do just fine... JUST. LET. GO. so the world can keep on turning and other nations will stop passing up.

    Yup -- GEN X is ready, if it were not so occupied babysitting millennials by day and coming home from work to wipe the asses and clean up the urine puddles of the boomers.

    The leadership of this great nation is under the same threat--- we will not move ahead with Bernie's crusty ideas and Biden's dimention...and Trump is a Boomer that just happens to be a baby.

    The future is grim my friends.

    These people need to enjoy the rest of their natural life..and allow the world to move forward.

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