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    Re: School starting August 8th? Archived Message

    Posted by poor ol elroy on July 14, 2018, 11:02 am, in reply to "Re: School starting August 8th?"

    heres some humor fodor for all
    In late seventies Alton Screwl district hired me to become the new teacher at the high screwl, alas I was a vocational teacher, and I might add, i dod a good job.
    On summer break one year, the superintendant called me and said that i was going to be one of the new math teachers in the fall. Upon explaining to him that I had failed math in high school, he said "no problem", you will do fine.
    Now for the rest of the story, if the little new student from Germany hadnt been there, and I might add, i was teaching senior math and he was in the ninth grade, i wouldnt have made it through the semester. I placed him in the back of the room,and when i was explaing something that was wrong, he would nod in a no fashion, and i would say, "lets just let the nith grader come up here and show you guys how its done"
    he said as he laughed, we had this stuff in 3rd grade in germany. I have often wondered what happend to Mike Gurschleff. he saved me.

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