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    Re: Letter to Mayor Pagano Archived Message

    Posted by ABFman on June 7, 2018, 7:20 pm, in reply to "Re: Letter to Mayor Pagano"

    It seems that this post has rattled a few cages, and is making it's rounds now on other social media sites. I for one am glad it has people taking notice and talking.

    After reading this post, Mike Parkinson has decided to announce he will also be running for Mayor in the next election.

    Although it is great to see the interest in our city, and some great people willing to step up to the plate in helping to kick start Granite City in a forward direction. It seems that nobody is willing to mention the elephant in the room.

    When reading statements from Mr. Dixon such as "I would have to say our biggest problem is the mindset of the average citizen of GC.".

    A statement from Mr. Parkinson saying " Lets not dwell on the past and throw rocks, it only makes us look bad".

    Lastly, this statement from Mr. Jones, "I will not complain about our city's progress unless I am prepared to help fix it.".

    The mindset of the average citizen of our city is, we are tired of our concerns falling on deaf ears. We are tired of waiting for the next election. We are not willing to take the blame any longer for the this administration's failures.
    Mr. Dixon, are you satisfied with the job that our Mayor, and administration are doing? Are you satisfied with the job performance of the city's Economic Developer?

    Mr. Parkinson, you are suggesting that we not "dwell on the past" or "throw rocks", but if we don't address the very issues that have stunted the growth of our city, how can we begin to correct them? I don't believe that pointing out the obvious, is throwing rocks. I will ask you the same questions that I asked Mr. Dixon above. Mr. Parkinson, are you satisfied with the job that our Mayor, and administration are doing? Are you satisfied with the job performance of the city's Economic Developer?

    Mr. Jones, first let me thank you for taking the time out of your day to come here to address this post. The fact that you did not ignore this issue and came forward to face it head on, is much appreciated. I would like to ask you about this statement included in your response. "I will not complain about our city's progress unless I am prepared to help fix it.".

    Mr. Jones, you, as well as many of us can clearly see exactly where sticking our heads into the sand has gotten us. Now is the time, not 2 years from now, not 3 years from now, and not just at election time. Everyone I have talked to about this issue, says now is the time. It is way past time. If our city is in this kind of shape now, I fear what it will be 2 or 3 more years from now. Will there be anything left to even fight for? We are all "prepared to fix it", we are tired of waiting for the change that never comes. I will ask you the same question that I asked the other gentlemen above. Mr. Jones, are you satisfied with the job that our Mayor, and administration are doing? Are you satisfied with the job performance of the city's Economic Developer?

    Gentlemen, call it what you want, rocking throwing, etc. This is not a case of "dwelling on the past" this is our present, and we are concerned over the future of our city.

    We want growth and opportunities for Granite City, and an administration like those who have pushed and shoved Pontoon Beach forward, never giving up and always having new vision.

    If a run for the Mayor's position isn't a strong enough motivation for either of you gentleman to hold this administration accountable for their actions, or the lack of action, I'm not sure you would be the right person to lead our city.

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