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    Biss for governor Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on January 28, 2018, 11:03 pm

    My early endorsement is for Daniel Biss - for governor of the once-great State of Illinois.

    He's not Carhartt Billionaire... (Rauner)
    He's not big boy Billionaire .... (Pritzker)
    He's not old money Billionaire ... (Kennedy...)

    And the biggest reason to vote for him...

    The first lady of Illinois will be Miss Biss.

    Or we can just say that she's Bisses Misses, though I imagine that kind of lingo wouldn't fly with them.

    His credentials say that he is wicked educated, with a PhD from MIT. And since he's educated, his conservativism on issues is nearly lacking.....makes me look right wing...but to not get a billionaire in the governors' mansion...I'd still take him any way.

    Get billionaires and Madigans out.....

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