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    Re: (no subject) Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on January 24, 2018, 1:45 pm, in reply to "Re: (no subject)"

    MsFiddler, that's almost word for word that Mrs. O used.

    There will always be low class men who look at women as second class citizens who are not equal to a man. Those men should be wearing the little pink hats instead of the women.

    My wife was fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom. However, she is one of the most intelligent and articulate women I've ever met. She is strong, independent, caring and a wonderful person. I never have looked at her as anything but my equal. We walk side by side with neither being the leader.

    Women have come so far. They're doctors, lawyers, elected officials, mechanics, police officers, paramedics.............. They have proven themselves worthy of respect. They deserve equal pay in the work force and equal rights in their private lives.

    As you said, there are noble and truly caring women in those marches. They aren't the ones chanting burn the white house, Not my President and other silly little phrases. They cheapen the cause and make themselves look like uneducated, unsophisticated rabble.

    God bless the women who know they don't need to do such things to be a man's equal.

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