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    Re: Halloween! Archived Message

    Posted by Speaking Out on October 30, 2017, 6:15 pm, in reply to "Re: Halloween!"

    A pillow case use to be our container of choice too! No little plastic pumpkin for us, we needed the room for a big haul.

    We may get a couple of kids this year. We never get more than 5 or 6 at the most. So each kid that comes to our door, usually hits the jackpot leaving with a handful.

    I sure miss how Halloween use to be, that's for sure. Kids would pile on the porch 5 and 10 at a time. We went through bags and bags of candy, and there was no need to move away from your front door from the hours of 6 to 9...it was non stop.

    I have never been the type of person to give the stink eye to the older trick or treaters either. If you take the time to put on a costume and come to my door, you get candy without judgment. No such thing as a kid being to old to join in on the fun. But, what is a little strange, is when we have had people bring 3 and 4 month old sleeping babies to the door and say "trick or treat" and hold out a bag wanting candy. I just smile and toss in a piece or two.

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