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    Climate Change Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on June 4, 2017, 10:17 am

    Watching the Sunday talk shows is almost getting to be like watching a campaign rally. Today, other than the London attack, the main focus of both shows I watched was the United States withdrawing from the Paris agreement.

    Of course the liberals on Meet the Press were eating tofu and talking about the rest of the world laughing at us for our lack of leadership. They pulled Al Gore ( a much heavier one) out of mothballs so he could inject his opinion. Of course none of them wanted to explain why the United States had to be a major money contributor to this agreement despite countries like China, a much bigger polluter, contributed little or nothing.

    On to Fox News Sunday where they at least offer opposing views in their roundtable. Again Al Gore was wheeled in but here he was confronted with his 2006 prediction that the world would face a major ecotastrophie within ten years. Didn't happen Al. It was pointed out by the panel that we have made some gains in the area of our carbon footprint.

    I'm not sure why folks are surprised. Trump indicated he felt climate change was a scare tactic and hoax to generate solar energy company expansion. Obama did run this through an executive order as opposed to creating a treaty so he left the door open for a different President to change it.

    I believe our planet is going through changes. It did when the dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. The changes we've made while positive, are not much impact in the overall battle to "save the earth". Hundreds of millions of people, hundreds of thousands of yards of concrete and brick infrastructure have added to the issue. The fact is that our planet is a resource and like all resources, will one day be used up.

    Trump is merely trying to get people back to work by eliminating some of the restrictions set up by the tree huggers which will ultimately not save mother earth. When the money we spend to prop up other nations through this accord and NATO, goes to feeding and educating our kids and taking care of our vets, I'll get a little more choked up about the ecology. What good is an earth where people are in such need? What good is a greener planet when a nutjob little bastard in N. Korea could launch a nuclear strike at any time?

    Priorities people. It's all about priorities. Obama had the wrong ones.

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