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    Re: If grocery stores were run like public schools Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on May 8, 2017, 4:39 pm, in reply to "Re: If grocery stores were run like public schools "

    Mr. Chris, if there was a standing ovation button on here, I would hit it ten times. Hillary once said, "it takes a village". If parents don't work with the teachers of their children and follow through with their children, they better pray their kids are natural born geniuses.

    Like anything else in life, you get out what you put in. My kids had some very high quality teachers during their career in GCSD. Those people won awards from the state and could have taught at any high school in this country.

    If your child is failing, sit down with them and do it in front of a mirror. Two of the problems will show up immediately.

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