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    Re: Elections Archived Message

    Posted by Radio Head on March 29, 2017, 10:12 pm, in reply to "Re: Elections"

    Liar, now the minutes are inaccurate. You are a piece of work, a real piece of work. You have been proven to be a liar, man up, dont go with these minutes are inaccurate because you asked the question at the meeting and given a different answer.

    I have no doubt Ron Motil gave a different account at some point, Ron Motil ski-daddled out of there so fast no one new what happened to him. But we are talking about what is written in black and white when Ken Davis asked Irv Slate, the townships paid attorney, about it. You show me the minutes where Motil said it was legal.

    Dont you think its strange how many lawyers have came and gone out of that place in the last four years? They want no part of whats going on out there. GET IT

    You keep hollering no proof, no proof, all lies, but when shown proof you start backstroking and making up your own lies. The check for cash is sitting right here, the minutes showing Hanfelder was told NO SHE COULD NOT BE ASSESSOR AND STILL WORK FOR THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT is sitting right here.

    But you will take the WORD, not written, printed, copied proof, but someones version of what they want you to believe over tangible documents?

    You are irrational and maybe someone needs to ship you off and have your faculties examined especially since you sell guns.

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