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    Re: Enough is Enough Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on March 7, 2017, 4:54 pm, in reply to "Re: Enough is Enough"

    I don't think you can just blame it on this Congress or this administration Dee. I keep going back to Obama's first years when he had absolute power and control. Common Core came about under his watch just like no child left behind did under Bush and It takes a village under Clinton.

    I also blame the citizens of this country for failing our youth and not focusing on education. Too many kids the same age of my children bailed on college in year one or two. Where is our priority?

    There is NEVER a reason for a teacher to abandon his or her students in the name of protest. When I think of the bravery of the teacher at Sandy Hook who sacrificed her life or the principal who did the same trying to go after the shooter, it makes me sick to see how little importance is put on school children by a limited amount of teachers who would participate in such nonsense. And that's coming from someone who as you know, most always stands up for them.

    I don't get it and won't

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