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    Nameoki Is a Jokie--A posting from topix Archived Message

    Posted by horseygirl on February 21, 2017, 1:25 pm

    It's mostly a long boring attack on me and my horses, for the most part, but the discussion got more interesting last night with a posting from "WeDontLose". You really have to wonder just who these people think they are...What they are NOT is public servants working for the taxpayers...

    horseygirl wrote:

    Lol, not my horse, she's a spoiled brat blonde whose luck, looks and parentage has enabled her a comfortable, entitled lifestyle she has neither worked for, earned or deserves, but I love her anyway. I'm the only thing that has kept her off the one way bus to Mexico or Canada. But, yes, there are real horses in our history who were seasoned war veterans buried with full military honors.

    The criticism of meeting attendance while a trustee I understood to have been directed at me. Pardon if I was mistaken. My own record was excellent. I missed where someone referred to me as Helen, I'll have to go back and look, or not.... I also believe Helen made a mistake when she misspoke about the deputy clerk's write up--but she HAD already called the county clerk about the incomplete petitions that miraculously got completed later while no one was looking. So, she hadn't done nothing.

    It backs up the Presswood assertion that the petitions had, in fact, been incomplete at submission. It was up to the electoral board to be as tough on their supervisor as they would have been to anyone who opposed him, but no. Every other protest to any of the other candidate petitions was fabricated and unfounded to divert attention from the legitimate one that should have been removed from the ballot .

    The ones who ACTUALLY "altered things after the fact" have, meanwhile, gotten away (again) with being incredibly unprofessional, unethical and illegal. Par for this Supervisor and his friends and family working at the township, including the present assessor. Did you notice how closely Mr. Viessman sat to Bill Hanfelder at that judicial review? Why was he even in that courtroom--to remind people there where their bread was buttered??

    Things that make you say "hmmmmm......" Don't feed the greed. Vote these clowns out on April 4.

    WeDontLose (replied)

    Edwardsville, IL

    #46 14 hrs ago

    That's a riot. You're so far up Helen's rear. We know you need her support to get elected but come on. She lied through her dentures at that meeting. She probably called Presswood to let him know that Randy forgot to complete his petitions. But I guess you think that's fair. Helen is as much an antique as the township is. You talk about Randy padding the payroll with his people. Well hey, Helen is padding her income with one more BS political office. Randy is going to win again. Understand that. In a few weeks, you'll be lucky to not see a sign for him in yards all over. The other two are going to split the vote and Randy will win again. And even with the help of the old Hawk, you won't win horse. You couldn't get reelected to the village office so what makes you think people want you on the township. I see a clean sweep by our team but go ahead and make a name for yourself again. LOL!
    I really hope this "insider" is wrong, and that the voters are finally seeing through the money, nepotism and greed that has been guiding our township politics. Time will tell.

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