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    Berkley Riots Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on February 2, 2017, 1:17 pm

    The news is now reporting that the masked animals who started the fires and damaged property last night were, "anarchist from Oakland" and students were not involved in the riots, only the protests.

    Okay, I'll accept that. Now I want to know why there was only one arrest. Destruction of public property/inciting to riot/failure to obey police orders.

    Who kept the police officers from doing their duty? Did the campus administration ask for them not to interfere? Did city leaders fail to turn the police loose? Did the governor not think the safety of the "students" was important enough to get involved?

    I know the last administration demonized the actions of police officers. I realize the university administration probably supported the attempts to damage the new Trump administration. However, they or someone overlooked their responsibility to protect their students. When they allowed the "animals" to throw rocks and fire bombs, they put those students in harms way and the President should withhold federal funds.

    My kids are independent and attended good universities. They were involved in student activities ad I never once had to worry about them being involved in actions like these.

    What these "anarchist" better wake up and figure out is one of these days, someone is going to take their own action and defend themselves or their property.

    I will guarantee if someone poised themselves to throw a fire bomb at my home, I would gladly pull out one of my weapons and shoot their dumb ass. This has to stop and if you encourage or support THIS type of behavior, you will have just as much blood on your hands when the fight starts.

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