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    What is the definition of insanity Granite City??? Archived Message

    Posted by Fed Up on January 14, 2017, 12:35 am

    It's doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result!

    What is wrong with the Mayor, and what is wrong with the council with them sitting idly by and nobody opens their mouth to complain or speak the truth about this situation? Why are these people content to settle and accept for a do nothing, a producing nothing, salary sucking Economic Development Director that has done nothing more than follow the same ole beatin down path as the old E.D.D. took, that got this city no where!

    Just how many committees or groups or special meetings does it take to come up with some kind of goal, set a plan and actually execute it?

    Let's take a look at what we have got for the money so far...looking, looking, looking and still looking and so far I am seeing an already established, old Facebook page that has now been renamed and given a new look with the city now paying someone a salary to update it with pictures and articles they pick and pluck off of several other Facebook pages based on Granite City, by other people.

    That sure doesn't seem like much bang for the taxpayers buck! Can someone tell me why any employee of the city that has access to the Internet can't do this in their spare time?

    Take a look at this new video from James Amos our city's E.D.D., then you tell me, is it any wonder why the city is beginning to crumble with zero growth? Can you imagine this Blue's Clue's, Steve Burns look-a-like carrying his big red note book into a meeting full of executives and trying to convince them why they should bring their big business to Granite City?


    A collared shirt with a tie makes for a great first impression for starters.

    Action meetings? Collaborative action teams? Training for? Training for doing his job? I have a news flash for this guy, we have community pride, we dang sure don't need some rah rah rallies to find that. We need less talk and less meetings and far more action taken to bring growth to our city.

    Meetings like this have already taken place, groups like these have already been formed. The city has had more than it's fair share of committees. It's time to stop kicking this dead horse and get someone in this position who can command attention and speak with authority and confidence and take action that actually produces positive results. This requires someone with passion and drive and vision. We have had our fair share of cheerleaders, and if this man believes he needs MORE training to do his job, that speaks volumes.

    Folks, our city has ran out of time. It is crumbling and stalled. We do not have the time to keep trying and trying and trying to figure this out. Get someone in this position that has a track record of experience, and that has actually produced something! We do NOT need more meetings and groups and committees and training. We need action!

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