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    Posted by Fed Up Parent on September 30, 2016, 2:57 am, in reply to "Re: MARYVILLE SCHOOL INCIDENT"

    Please let me explain before you read further. I am not the father or parent of the child in the center of this Maryville school incident. I have lifted this information off of one of the parent's Facebook page that is open to the public at the time of these posts. I refuse to not share this information, and will continue to do so until asked not to by one of the parents, because the residents of Granite City deserve to be made aware of this situation. This could have happened to any one of us who have children within this school district.

    For any of you who caught the channel 4 news covering this story, you clearly witnessed Mr Greenwald throw this little 6 year old child under the bus, over a failed school policy implemented by Mark Lull, the school's principal. While doing so, he also mislead the public by stating this "wasn't the first time this child was late" and that is why he got detention. The fact that several boy(s) had been late before is admitted proof that this policy set in place by Mr. Lull was not working. The school admits, in fact this has been such a problem that they decided to start giving students detention, instead of correcting this failed policy. When there are hundreds of loud children playing on a playground, what adult would expect a 6 year old to see a sign being held up by another student, or volunteer that states it's time to get into the lunch line? The children are out there busy playing, as they are expected to be doing during recess time.

    Since Mr Greenwald did not take a more reasonable approach in handling this situation, as well as Principal Lull, this incident has left a negative impact on our school district. Mr Greenwald could have explained to the news reporter that this incident was still being investigated and he had yet to learn all of the facts. He could have taken the time to speak to everyone involved, including Allayna Caranhan, the teacher who has made public accusations of these parents lying, as well as the child and the parents of this child. He should have pulled the school's surveillance tapes for review and compared them to Principal Lull's account of his interaction with this child's father claiming he was "irate" to the point he needed to call the police.

    Ms Caranhan, (teacher involved) claims to have taken this little boy to the cafeteria for a late lunch. The child claims that he was not given lunch, but later in the day while in the library, was given a fruit cup. Why not pull the surveillance tapes to back up Ms Carnahan's story? It should be simple enough to see a little boy sitting in the library eating a fruit cup on a video tape.

    Unless of course, by some odd chance, there are no surveillance tapes available for that particular day only because of some technical error. But honestly, what are the chances of that?

    Below is the latest message off of this parent's Facebook. Please read...

    I got this little gem in the mail today. I was never erratic. I did demand my son not serve detention and that I would be removing my son from the school. You told me to sign him out, and I started to. Then I realized, that you and your terrible policies no longer affect me and my children. So I walked to my son's classroom. In hindsight I understand this was a mistake, but he knew who I was, I was wearing identification, he knew I wasn't a threat. I spoke with his teacher outside of the class after knocking and signaling to her through her classroom window because I wasn't going to just open to door to her classroom and interrupt her class. I told her what was going on, and she gave me her side of the story which aligned with Principal Lull's version, and directly contradicts Superintendent Greenwald's statement he made after the media contacted him later in the day. After my conversation with *******'s teacher, I walked straight to the exit with my son, and went to our vehicle.
    Because of this, I am now banned from attending any GC soccer or Football games. I'm banned from running on the track which I've done for the past 5 years. I'm banned from ever attending anything my children do at the GCSD. But when Superintendent Greenwald and Kristen Novacich called me they expressed that they are "allowed" and "wanted" back at school. Im just not allowed to have any part of their education in the future unless the arrogant principal that laughed at my concerns gives his consent.
    I want to see the tape. I want to see my erratic behavior. I was definitely agitated, but I was tactful as I always am. They don't like parents who are involved and want to know what is going on. Then they use their muscle and use their legal intimidation to try and submit people. Big government at its finest. No accountability for their mistakes, and using their power to strike down anyone against them.
    This isn't over by a long shot. Everything My family has been through because of this. Having to read tons of negativity targeted towards my son. The school makes him out to be a little misbehaved child who skips lunch, to save face. My son is a little boy who still plays make believe. I did not wake up on Monday and decide that I was going to through a hissy fit at school, use all of my earned leave at work, pull my children out of class, get the cops called, speak to the news, and decide to start paying for our children's school. I don't even know how I am going to pay for this, but I will find a way because I cannot trust this administration to actually look at my children as kids instead of numbers.
    ********** and myself have both been physically ill over it; However, this will be my last public post about it. We both truly appreciate everyone's support, and hope that there are serious changes in this school administration's policies concerning them having accountability of our children at all times. Thanks again and God bless.

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