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    Re: This Election Archived Message

    Posted by Rootsniners on February 15, 2016, 3:30 pm, in reply to "Re: This Election"

    Agreed! I absolutely refuse to vote for anyone that is politically connected. I hope and pray Trump runs as an independent and bust up the political machine. They ought to round up all the career politicians And hang every one of them. They have literally destroyed this country. Never let a bunch of millionaires and billionaires make decisions that are best for me those less fortunate. You think these rich bastards give two cents about what a gallon of gas or a loaf of bread cost us? A bunch of liars all of them. Modern day politics has come and gone with the American people. That's why Trump can do or say no wrong. If you notice the only folks getting upset by his actions are those that will not let go of the American political machine,

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