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    Obama Biden His Time Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on August 25, 2015, 8:51 pm

    Well, it might be that the rats are deserting the ship already. It appears some back door meetings are taking place with Obama and Biden that might move Hillary to the back of the bus so to speak.

    It's no secret that the Clintons still hate the Obamas and vice versa. They tolerate each other because that's what they do.

    However, as the e-mail scandal continues to heat up along with Benghazi, Hillary is taking on too much water and may sink before the primaries.

    Biden on the other hand has pretty clean hands. I mean after all, he's the best kept secret of this administration. I don't think anyone knows what, if anything , he has done.

    Going to be an interesting primary season.

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