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    Re: More Bernie Archived Message

    Posted by machine_easy2 on June 3, 2015, 5:46 pm, in reply to "Re: More Bernie"

    I certainly do not want my healthcare being taken care of by the government. As he said, the source of many of our problems is people making bad decisions, its the people in the government that has had the final say in most of the bad decisions that have had the worst effects. I don't want those dumb@sses involved in my health care in anyway.

    We don't need to spend more money on education either. One of the biggest problems with education today is we've been spending too much money on it for way too long. Some problems, like education, can't be fixed merely by throwing money at them. We've tried that, it's not working, and it won't ever work. If you could find a way to make people be responsible parents, 95% of the problems with education would disappear. When a tenured university professor can't talk candidly about some that could be interpreted as controversial without first giving a "trigger warning", more money is not going to work. If you need a trigger warning before engaging in an educational activity, you don't belong in school, you belong in s phyc-ward. Making University free will only make the problems worse. EdX, LaunchCode, and the likes are already free, the people who want to learn can and do (LaunchCode can even find you a decent job)

    I also don't think it's a good idea to have a society were people don't have struggles. Surviving struggles makes you stronger.

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