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    Remember Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on May 24, 2015, 3:12 pm

    Another Memorial day and memories of those who served our country in the highest capacity.

    I think back of some of the men who didn't return from the wars that lived here in Granite City and the fact so many residents don't know their stories.

    I think about their families and the fact that on this day, they're not necessarily thinking about what to bar-b-que but what their lives might have been like had their loved one returned.

    I think of the kids who lost fathers, the siblings who lost brothers, the mothers who lost sons. I know when I've lost a loved one it hurts but I can't stop thinking about how those families felt when the telegraph arrived or the phone call came.

    I know we all enjoy the time away from work, the time we get to spend with family. I only ask that this weekend you take a few minutes at your home to talk to your kids about the true purpose of this day. Let them know that they can be proud of a group of people who fought for them and their freedom. Let them know the history that has been laid out because of our men and women who serve in the military.

    Thank you military personnel. Your service kept this country free and I truly hope there is a special part of heaven reserved for our heroes.

    God bless the American soldier.

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