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    Re: Election Archived Message

    Posted by elcooksta on April 7, 2015, 7:37 am, in reply to "Election"

    I concur...wherever you stand on the issue, it is your duty as a citizen not only to vote...but to KNOW what you are voting for and HOW it fits in with YOUR perception.

    As far as the tax hike goes, this is a dumb-axs tax on all of us for not taking responsibility for our civics.

    My personal feeling is that we have to vote this one in, like it or not...and proceed to vote bums out from the bottom up and learn from our mistakes of the last 30 or so years (seems to me that is the large-scale beginnings of the unmooring of citizens from the political process..correct me if I am wrong).

    Anyway, vote..I dont care what you vote for..vote

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