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    My Rant about the Park in 2014 Archived Message

    Posted by GCAI on January 2, 2015, 12:51 pm

    I love riding around the park its nice to do on a spring-fall day, but when I found that the park pool hours was cut big time I was like really. Monday 1pm to 4:45pm Tues-Sunday 1pm-5:45.

    If they want to rent it out for private parties just say you don't no one in the pool & rent it out for a party & not let the public use it, instead of cutting the hours like they did. Also on July 17 the pool closes as 4:45pm. During the hottest month of summer they close early for what? A private party. Then on August 17 they closed for the year. Cause the lifeguards had to go to school. Now call me crazy if Paddlers can hire the same staff & stay open til Labor Day something is not right here.

    Now the biggest problem we have is having the people from Venice & Madison using the pool, & if we try to keep them out they will get mad & threaten lawsuits. Also, 1 of the rules at the pool at the pool is. You must shower before you enter the pool, but you got people not following that rule & if they do they just get there hair wet a little. Also you got people wear just regular shorts in the pool wear swim trunks you fools.

    Also another thing stop using the pool as you toilet you fools(I am not saying everyone does it but to the people who do it)hold it in or don't come to the pool at all. I can hold it in so can you folks. I am not using the park pool anytime soon until the hours are changed to something descent. This 1 the main reason people in this city want to get own pools or get a Paddlers membership.

    Another issue I have is the guard at the basketball court. I think its good to keep trouble out, but does he have to get out of his truck every time to see if the people have id's to use it. Now you still got people that use it a lot & if you don't have a park Id forget using the basketball court. Well, that is about it now if you folks got a problem with the park add it to mine if you like. As always folks please stay safe & take care.

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