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    Viagra Archived Message

    Posted by whatusay on November 13, 2014, 8:43 pm

    Is anyone else embarrassed or downright squeamish about watching this latest commercial when your children or grandchildren are watching television with you?

    Here we are, watching Pawn Stars, and I'm being forced to watch and listen to some Australian cougar purrrrrr, while asking if this dysfunction (I'm paraphrasing, she's much more descriptive) occurs while your with your "honey".

    She's mentions that not only does this dysfunction cause you to be unable to get going, but also to keep going, as she writhes around on some kind of outdoor bed.

    I guess this one isn't quite as bad as the late night infomercial where they are hawking big floppin' sexual aids, in all shapes and sizes, with names that would make a sailor blush.

    What happened to discretion?

    I want to throw a hammer through the screen.

    Message Thread:

    • Viagra - whatusay November 13, 2014, 8:43 pm