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    Voter Turnout Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on November 4, 2014, 5:48 pm

    Looked like a pretty good voter turnout. Not sure what brought out the crowds on a rainy day but glad to see it.

    There will be some close races across our state. Personally I'm glad some of the county officials are being challenged instead of just getting a free pass.

    I hope everyone studied the amendments before they voted. Lot's of time the wording on those is tricky.

    Voted no on the minimum wage amendment even though it was only advisory. I still think flipping a burger is only worth so much. Voted no on the pension issue for the GC fire and police departments. Bottom line is the city has the legal responsibility to fund both so it's my guess they're wanting to use our vote as a point of negotiations. Voted no on birth control being paid for by insurance. Pay for your own birth control or keep your parts in your pants.

    I studied many of the candidates and for the first time in a long time split my ballot. I'm not impressed by either candidate for governor but voting for Quinn would be like missing your mouth with a suicide bullet and then reloading the gun.

    Probably going to be a late night. I'm one of those strange people who will stay up late and follow the results to see if there was any shift. I predict the GOP will pick up four seats in the Senate, just enough to irritate Obama but not enough to gain control.

    Interesting to see how many people were voting across party lines because of what they perceive as failed programs by the current POTUS. That being said there is no doubt the reason the advisory was put on for minimum wage was to draw out a crowd that is enslaved to the Dems. Those folks don't realize that this still won't happen.

    Anyway, for those of you who went and voted in this weather, congratulations. You care and that's more important than any party.

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