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    Re: Taxes, count em! Archived Message

    Posted by Opinionated on July 27, 2011, 9:37 pm, in reply to "Re: Taxes, count em!"

    OP, I found your post to be very taxing on my nerves.

    But you're right my friend. The old days were better.

    I remember a time when a man went out and earned a living for his family with pride. I remember when a woman stayed home and raised a family. No offense to our fairer sex on here but when companies started paying sub standard wages to women for doing the same work as men the bottom started dropping out.

    I remember when kids sat at the table with their parents and talked, not texted, about the business of the day. I remember when mom and dad taught the kids values, respect and pride.

    I remember when kids respected teachers and parents supported those teachers. I remember a time when we started a day with prayer and when people weren't trying to take God out of the pledge.

    I remember when men respected women,when they didn't treat them like baby machines or punching bags. I remember when a cop could bash teh skull of a wife or child beater without worrying about some mamby pamby assclown lawyer taking his badge.

    I remember a time when men kept their "tool" in the toolbox and disn't impregnate every woman they came in contact with only to desert that woman when the child was born.

    I remember when soldiers came home to cheers and pats on the back instead of being left to struggle on their own or to have their funerals disturbed by lunatics.

    I remember when American pride meant something here and abroad and when we weren't afraid to let the world know we were "a tough guy".

    I remember when people paid their bills, when they weren't worried about keeping up with the Jones's. I remember self respect.

    The good old days are probably gone forever but if you ask someone who survived the crash of the thirties most will tell you the good old days start shortly after you hit rock bottom.

    My rant for the day. Excuse me.

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