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    Re: baseball games Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on July 19, 2011, 11:15 pm, in reply to "Re: baseball games"

    Well Nordo...with due respect to the parents on here...who at least care and are there for them...and cannot be knocked...


    Lots of water....they'll be fine.

    The more we adults complain about it, the more it gets in their head.

    Are today's kids made differently than those of yesteryear?

    They seem to look the same, by and large.

    Do they melt or wither away faster?

    Imagine this Nordo...

    Some kids even grew up in houses without AC...so they'd play ball in 100 degree weather...then come home to no AC as well.

    How did they ever do it?

    With all that said, I'm not against the kids being safe and I darn sure will not question anyone's parenting.

    Follow your gut before you let blowhards like Me and Nordo get to you. They're YOUR kids, not ours.

    It's just that either the sun wasn't as hot in the 70's and early 80's or people were just built differently..

    But like I said...we're just the armchair quarterbacks in this conversation.

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