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    Re: The Unions have lost their minds..... Archived Message

    Posted by Dr. Ray Langston on April 18, 2011, 8:13 pm, in reply to "The Unions have lost their minds....."

    Posted by whatusay [User Info] on April 18, 2011, 8:07 pm

    BELLEVILLE -- The St. Clair County Sheriff's Department was on the verge of rehiring eight road deputies laid off in January for financial reasons.

    But those plans fell apart when the lawyer for the union representing the deputies demanded the department give the recalled deputies three months' back pay, Sheriff Mearl Justus said.

    "This is stepping over the line," Justus said. "All over the country, you see states are passing legislation to take away bargaining rights. And there are so many people out of work. ... This is beyond belief."

    Most unions are corrupt and incompetent at best, at worst, you end with unreasonable demands like this, look up what UAW got out of the auto makers before the financial collapse.
    Now 8 Sheriff's officers won't get their jobs back because of unreasonable demands....

    In mid-January, the county laid off 12 road deputies out of 47 on duty. The move occurred after the union rejected a county offer that would have given the deputies a 6.5 percent pay increase between Jan. 1 and Jan. 1, 2013.

    The union members rejected the county offer because the they said the county must follow another administrative law judge's ruling in November to award about 100 deputies a 9.5 pay raise over three years.

    What business does a judge have ordering a 10% pay raise at all, no less in this economy?

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