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    I sincerely hope . . . Archived Message

    Posted by tris on April 7, 2011, 9:48 pm

    that everyone had an awesome a Thursday as I did.

    Since my little man was born, I've had a touch of postpartum depression manifesting mostly as agoraphobia and been afraid to leave the house with him by myself besides to my mom's house. (Side note: No worries, I've had postpartum depression meaning depression happening after I had a baby. I'm NOT having postpartum psychosis, meaning I hear voices telling me to drown my baby or something like the terrible things you hear on the news.)

    Because of my husband's work schedule, Thursdays are rough days for me. So today, I decided to battle it out and get out of the house. I got a shower early, packed up the diaper bag, and off we went! He "had lunch" in the Target parking lot (and the major victory - we didn't enter the store) and got lots of bargain clothes at Old Navy and Goodwill!

    What a huge success and confidence builder! I'm hoping that tomorrow I can keep up the trend and go to the library (and maybe stop by and visit Ginger, since we'll be a block away) and then Saturday we're going to the church sale.

    I'm just so proud of myself, so excited about this accomplishment (even though it's somewhat sad that leaving the house for a day of shopping with an almost 6 month old is an accomplishment) that I had to share.

    And I DO hope that everyone had as good of a Thursday as I did!

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