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    R.I.P "Two and Half Men" Archived Message

    Posted by Dr. Ray Langston on February 25, 2011, 10:48 am, in reply to "Two and a Half Men...."

    I never did like Charlie Sheen as a person, though he was probably the funniest actor out there, but what really suprises me about this incident, is that he can be convicted for beating a wife, carry out the violent (and destrcutive) temper tantrum at that expensive hotel, did quite a bit of damage, be an alcoholic for so many years, and yet he is fired for a long and rambling rant against his producer/script writer.

    Shows you CBS only cares about their own egos and money.....

    R.I.P, "Two and Half Men", you didn't deserve to die such a shameful death


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