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    Kenilworth Road

    Posted by Herts Hatter on 15/5/2024, 11:00:50

    Reading the various debates below about Power court it appears the consensus is that 2029 is the earliest possible occupation date and that assumes a number of positive following winds. So the question is what is plan with KR - lets take an optimistic scenario and we got promoted again and were kicking off in PL in Summer 2025. I understand Luton Council own it but could the club buy it back from them and agree some kind of profit share? I have always had the view that rebuilding the KR stand would be possible and could add another 3k on the attendance (only problem being how to rebuild it while keeping it open -- anyway seems like we will need to continue improving the current stadium over time if we are successful on the pitch

      Re: Kenilworth Road

      Posted by What no fans on 15/5/2024, 11:41:09, in reply to "Kenilworth Road "


        Re: Kenilworth Road

        Posted by Roo on 15/5/2024, 11:32:31, in reply to "Kenilworth Road "

        On a related front i have been wondering what we are going to do with the level above the Bobbers seats next season now we dont need all that space for VAR cameras.

        I appreciate some of the space is still required but could surely make an interesting hospitality area to watch the game from?

        Anyone know?

          Re: Kenilworth Road

          Posted by Angus McCoatup on 15/5/2024, 13:27:02, in reply to "Re: Kenilworth Road "

          VAR will be coming to the Championship at some point. Nailed on. Ref’s having to take a Championship game instead of a PL match won’t know how to make a bleedin decision without it.

          Re: Kenilworth Road

          Posted by Farhat on 15/5/2024, 11:10:07, in reply to "Kenilworth Road "

          The Kenny, surely?

            Re: Kenilworth Road

            Posted by Big Tone on 15/5/2024, 11:08:30, in reply to "Kenilworth Road "

            Put backs on the seats in the enclosure, and buy a new trestle table for the milk and sugar on the KR end.

              Re: Kenilworth Road

              Posted by What no fans on 15/5/2024, 11:53:22, in reply to "Re: Kenilworth Road "

              Millwall took them in 1985

                Re: Kenilworth Road

                Posted by The Outsider on 15/5/2024, 12:01:21, in reply to "Re: Kenilworth Road "

                Do tell us more about Millwall taking the backs of the seats in the Enclosure in 1985.

                Re: Kenilworth Road

                Posted by T.k. on 15/5/2024, 11:26:53, in reply to "Re: Kenilworth Road "

                New chain on the spoon at the tea bar?

                Re: Kenilworth Road

                Posted by Philthehatter on 15/5/2024, 11:08:14, in reply to "Kenilworth Road "

                Total waste of money, ground is fine at the moment especially for Championship football.
                2028 is only 4 years away

                  Re: Kenilworth Road

                  Posted by HH on 15/5/2024, 11:05:29, in reply to "Kenilworth Road "

                  Why would we spending millions buying it back?

                  It would then cost millions to redevelop to probably only be able to add an extra 3-4k seats. And it still wouldn't be enough to help make us viable as we wouldn't have the space for all the extra facilities that are so important for football clubs these days - ie catering, conferences etc etc

                    Re: Kenilworth Road

                    Posted by Grumpy on 15/5/2024, 16:21:59, in reply to "Re: Kenilworth Road "

                    Has every game been a sell out? Don’t think so. If we need to get seats back perhaps we could confiscate those belonging to the fans not in their seats for the last half hour of the Brentford match 😜

                [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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